Frequently Asked Questions
How can I sign up to be notified when trials start?
You can submit your contact information to be notified when trials do start here: Please also spread the word about our project to your friends and family -- every bit of support we receive helps!
What are the major factors that could delay the start of clinical trials?
We estimate that the artificial kidney is about 4-5 years away from starting clinical trials from a technical perspective. However, we do not yet have all the funding we need (estimated at USD 10 million) to complete the preclinical development, so this timeline could be slower if we are not able to raise the funding needed to make efficient progress.
The artificial kidney will undergo several rounds of clinical trials before it is approved for widespread use. Our goal is to have a device available by the end of the decade (2030), but again this depends on our funding situation, and it is always possible that technical challenges could slow things down.
How does the artificial kidney work?
The artificial kidney is designed to work like the natural kidney, filtering the blood and maintaining the body's fluid balance so that dialysis is not necessary. The first versions of the device will not provide as much kidney function as a transplant or a healthy natural kidney, but the goal is to provide enough function to keep patients off dialysis. Device performance will improve in later versions of the device as technology improves.
What evidence do you have that the artificial kidney will work effectively in humans?
We have shown that the key functional units of the device (the hemofilter and bioreactor) work as intended in animal models using small scale prototypes. This gives us confidence that it will work in humans once the device is scaled up with enough capacity. But we cannot know for certain at this stage.
We believe in our technology and believe that our demonstrations so far should give patients hope! But we also want to be clear that we are still several years away from being able to treat human patients. We are doing something very complicated that has never been done before, so there are no guarantees. Again we thank you for your interest and support. Please know we are working as hard as we can to make our artificial kidney a reality.
Can I make a donation in memory of someone?
Yes, It is possible to donate in memory of someone. Click here to directly donate to the project. I've attached a screenshot as well for reference below. Thank you very much for your support. Have a great rest of your week.
What percentage of each purchase made through the store goes towards The Kidney Project?
The percentage that is donated varies by order size, type and destination, but to give you an idea between 25-30% of the order value goes towards The Kidney Project. This is far from ideal and that is why we motivate people to directly provide a donation using this link, where 100% of the donation goes towards the project.
The store has provided our team a tremendous value by giving people options to support the project while bringing awareness across the globe. What better than someone having a cap with The Kidney Project and a friend asking about it? We do appreciate your support and I hope this helped clarify. We invite you to share with your friends and family about The Kidney Project.
Why is the project seeking alternative funding sources beyond traditional government grants?
We have gotten government funding through grants, but as we move from research into development, we are outgrowing the traditional government grant mechanisms and need larger investments more typical of venture capital or philanthropy. We are also hopeful that the new ARPA-H funding agency at the NIH, which Congress has given a $1 billion budget, will take on artificial kidney development as one of their programs, as their mission is to fund ambitious, expensive moonshot solutions in health, and we certainly feel like we fit this bill.
How can I get involved in supporting The Kidney Project?
Your support and willingness to get involved are greatly appreciated, and we are always looking for dedicated individuals like yourself to help us achieve our goals.
In light of your interest, I would like to inform you that we have a committee focused on marketing and fundraising efforts. If you are interested in participating in this committee, please let me know and I would be happy to provide further information. Additionally, please do not hesitate to share your best email address so that our kidney project team can reach out to you directly.
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